Rope Bondage – Time Lapse Video

The Art of Rigging & Japanese Rope Bondage I love Japanese rope bondage, it’s a real art and riggers are real craftsmen. Sometimes, when you look at a piece of Shibari work, it’s difficult to see where it starts and where it ends. This superb video by John Tisbury and Taner Tatham gives a

BDSM Finds A Voice In India

India’s Kinky Collective In a country with extremely conservative attitudes to sex something very exciting is going on. Members of a group called The Kinky Collective are starting to talk, not only among themselves, but more widely about BDSM and what it means for them. The Kinky collective is a small group of

Thoughts on Blindfolds

To See or Not To See Why a Blindfold should be in every BDSM toy cupboard Often, Masters and Mistresses never experience what their sub does when a blindfold is used, which is a pity because understanding more about your senses and emotions when you can’t see can really help improve the whole game for […]